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Pink Sugar

laser hair removal - αποτρίχωση με λέιζερ

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Fill in your details, name, email and phone so we can call you to make an appointment. ​

We have special offers for new clients, students etc.

With our Alexandrite laser you can see 20% thinning from the first session! It will take 6-8 sessions in total to achieve total thinning in the desired area but you see thinning from the first time. The offer is valid for new customers. The tone of the hair should be determined before the session to be able proceed with the  Alexandrite Candela treatment. The offer is valid while stocks last.

ΑΡΧΕΙΟ για οδηγίες πριν και μετά την εφαρμογή λειζερ στα KRL

ΣΥΧΝΕΣ ΕΡΩΤΗΣΕΙΣ αναφορικα με το μαύρισμα και το καλοκαίρι Q & A

Ζητήστε την προσφορά μας!   Get our quote! 

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Members of the Medical Association of Athens


GLYFADA 2108947955  AMPELOKIPOI 2107752331  PERISTERI 2105770521
NEA SMYRNI 2109348898

PIRAEUS 2104172522
KORYDALLOS 2104977507

CHALANDRI 2106841556


Tel. clinics

KRL Ampekokipoi 2104447490

KRL Peristeri 2104447493

KRL Nea Smirni 2104447492

KRL Pireus 2104447494

KRL Korydallos 2104447495

KRL Mesogion 8A 2107474200 ή 2104447492

RENEWED ΜΑΥ 12, 2023

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